
If no one else has copyrighted the phrase, “doing the hard stuff so you don’t have to” I need to do so as a slogan for my Web publishing business, Yeldagalga Publications LLC. After about 4 days of struggle, I finally got my Website and this blog migrated to a new server! (See Thirty Percent Chance of Darkness.)

It shouldn’t have been difficult, but it was. The company decided to offer all of us old-server people a deal to migrate, then decided to make changes to their Web site at the same time! The Technical Support guys I talked to tried to help me find information on their site, discovering pages they’d never seen before!

The final break through came when I searched a question on settings. I found advice from the official site, and from an independent developer. Guess which one got me where I needed to go!

So, I think everything’s back in order. I doubt you’ll see any difference now, but I’m supposed to see benefits. The main one I see right now is that I can avoid dealing with the server Web site, at least until it’s time to migrate my clients’ sites! If I do that soon, I’ll remember most of what I learned in the process.

Through this all, I’ve been very sick with the flu. It probably helps the general tone of this blog that I couldn’t post—I’ve been in a very dark place, mentally, and I think content would reflect that (see “Loss of a Sense of Well Being”).

Much like my first cautious steps toward recovery, I’m wary of this new migration. I think everything’s in place, but it will be a some time before everything’s checked properly. If you see any broken links or photos in the Website or blog, kindly let me know.

One unanticipated benefit: while checking photo links on the blog, I looked at one recent post and wondered where my photos had gone. Turns out, I’d forgotten to post them in the first place! So, if you visit Cherry Blossom Time Comes Earlier, you’ll now see actual photos of the blossoms!

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